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Meet the faces behind Perth’s only
worker owned co-operative
What do you get when you combine a boundary-breaking physicist with an administrator extraordinaire, a sustainability ‘solutionary’ and business-minded accountant?
You get Galactic® Co-operative!
Find out more about the close-knit bunch helping build a better future for one and for all.
Andrea Biondo
Andrea Biondo is the founding member and brains trust behind Galactic® Co-operative. As a physicist, Andrea has had oodles of problem-solving and scientific experience within multinational corporations and universities.
Yet, the successes Andrea felt very rarely translated into meaningful satisfaction for both him and his team members. If only there was another way. Well, as it turns out – there was.
Endeavouring to do as much good as possible, with this skillset and drive that he had, ideas became plans, words became actions and finally, Galactic® Co-operative was born. Mission accomplished!

Kate Biondo
Kate Biondo is a Jill of all trades, and master of them all, too. She wears many hats from the Co-operative’s administrator and coordinator, logistics problem solver, accounts, insurance and stock officer – the list goes on!
When Andrea asked Kate, his ‘partner in life’ to join him on this new adventure, she went all in, and her people-focused networking skills proves invaluable across every platform, event and training session the Galactic® Co-operative play a part in.
In time, Kate hopes to limit her time working in the business and spend more time on the business, seeing many of her duties taken up by other dedicated and capable members.
Dr Kate Ringvall
Dr Kate Ringvall is Galactic® Co-operative’s very own ‘solutionary.’
Led by strong principles of compassion and justice, Dr Kate is a leader in sustainability, having spent more than 20 years studying, exploring and working in the many facets of ethical, sustainable practices.
There are some serious studies backing up all that Dr Kate does, and she brings to the table a PHD in Planning, in combination with a keen interest in Circular Economy, Sustainability in Business and Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment.
A key Founder and Governing Fellow of the Galactic® Co-operative’s, Dr Kate Ringvall is an asset to our team, leading the way in the development of a Circular Economy in WA.

Adam Binks
Andrea and Adam go way back to the good old days of 1987, where they were both completing a technician apprenticeship at a telecommunications company.
After 13 long years with said company, Adam pursued further studies to become an accountant. Then, he experienced the ‘seven-year itch’, moving from public practice to full-blown business ownership.
And then, Andrea’s and Adam’s paths crossed yet again.
Now they work with each other, with Adam tasked with keeping the accounting and financial side of the cooperative compliant.